Saturday, October 10, 2009

deafening silence

hmm this blog has been silent for a whilllllllle.
time for a revival?
HELLO!!!! *waves*

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Quit your jobs friends, for the best job in the world!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


hello all!

since many have stated that we have not met up for the longest time. make yourself free on the 9th of Jan 2009, friday. we will head down to somewhere cheap. and have a jolly good time, chug some beers or for the more sophisticated, sip some martinis. we'll decide on the venue when the new year arrives! book already ar. cannot NOT turn up ok?!

til then. have a brilliant christmas and a glorious new year!


Monday, October 06, 2008

Hort Park, Spike Lee and Beer

We met LBL at the Hort Park. (year 2 urban tutor)

LBL: So you guys are all working in different firms and you still keep in touch?

TY: Yes.

LBL: Oh? I'm surprised.

Us: (So are we.)

TY: Well... we have a drinking habit.

LBL: Ah, that explains it.

After an arduous trek downhill from Henderson Bridge back to hort park, we felt compelled to have a beer at Handlebar.

But not before three innocent pawns were purchased from the nursery. Ask Dom for the pics of Spikelet, Spikey and Spike Lee. As proof of our drinking habit, the magnificent trio wagered a beer on whichever plant bloomed first.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

tay yew

tay yew, tay me
tay it for always...
thats the way it should be-eeee

tay yew, tay me-eee
tay it together....

lionel ritchie

Thursday, July 24, 2008

a blast from the past

perhaps we should adjourn to this page and spam ourselves silly?

Sunday, July 20, 2008