Sunday, July 31, 2005

Saturday, July 30, 2005

chin hong's project!

master stylist chin hong's latest project..
and when he gets famous,
i'll be able to say..
i was here first!!
( free haircut )

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

msn party

i think i got a slight headache when i went to bed last night
too many nudges...

Saturday, July 23, 2005


(tsk chow hui blockin my face..)
o man... it was time again.. for another No. 5 night... Boy, we waited long for our table.. but our wait was rewarded by a very nice table upstairs tucked in a corner.... very "exclusive" i must say...
(hahha. chow hui's mouth open so big)
my archi peeps! i miss you guys soo! all da time we spent together man.. days and nights in studios.. the nightmares of submissions.. but it was all good... was so nice... (not).. hahaha.
(ha ha. chow hui got blocked back! ;p)
we managed to queeze in everyone.. at least those who were there at that time! and NO ONE was makin FUNNY FACES! finally! hahahha..

this was just a pic that i tried to take withOUT aiming... hahah.. not bad i must say...

the late comers... tsk. zhen shui. and Ming, the TAI TAI of our year!! hahaha.. and Veron.. simeon's wifee..

and yes... the peanuts throwin never ends... the boys as usual haf to throw peanuts in everyone else's drink.. and phew.. at least they spared this glass! hahahha...

and here it is again in a pile of nut shells and rubbish.. kinda gross, no? hahaha... and Dom and Yvette! we missed ya!! come back quick!!! Posted by Picasa

more MORE!!!!!

i demand more photos!!!!!!upload away!!!!!!

Thursday, July 21, 2005

happy birthday bing
happy birthday chin hong

welcome home boh and bing

time for mega celebrations!!!

*blows whistle**

Wednesday, July 20, 2005


Monday, July 18, 2005


lalalalalalalalalalalalalalala... so that simeon's final exams post will not be seen

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

The Architect's Final Exam

Subject: Architect's Final Exam

1. Design - God, in the Old Testament, had six days in which to design the
world. You have two hours. Be sure to refine, correct, update, and edit
this design.

2. History - The entirety of Architectural history - propose a hypothesis.
Be sure to include specific examples to support your thesis. You have ten
minutes. Do not use more than one blue book.

3. Technics - With the materials provided (three straws, a package of gum,
twine (3.5 feet), a mango, and 12' of sheet rubber), build a structural
model of Notre Dame.

4. Design - In the space of a 10' square cube, design, including adequate,
AIA-approved facilities, a day care center, a seminar room, and a
reception hall, a center for claustrophobics.

5. Biography - Redesign Le Corbusier.

6. Drafting - In a 3" square space in your book, draw Chartres Cathedral.
Be sure to include all windows, doors, surface contours, and a small
congregation protesting in front of the Western apse. This drawing should
be referential in nature, but should include enough detail so that a scale
model could be accurately built from it.

7. Rendering - Draw, in four-point perspective (includes the time axis),
the existance of the Villa Rotunda from 10:00 am on Wednesday, October 21,
1926 to 3:21 pm on Monday, June 5, 1984. Be sure to include the Villa's
location in relation to the rest of the universe. BONUS: plot the
trajectory of the Villa Rotunda through the known universe for the next
hundred years. Include illustrations of the Villa in three different
projections, as seen from Alpha Centauri. If this plotting ends before the
100 year span with the Villa engulfed in the heart of a star, continue to
plot the trajectory of the remains.

8. Theory - Space. Create it, and be prepared to hand it in with your exam.

9. Studio - Chronicle the effects of caffiene upon the nervous system over
the course of five days of wakefulness. Be sure to graphically illustrate
the loss of any body mass as a result of cutting board.

10. Design - Without reproducing any of their works, or incorporating any of
their ideas as precident, design a lunatic asylum for Le Corbusier, Mies
van der Rohe, Rietveld, and Lloyd Wright. Keep in mind that the inmates
will likely attempt to kill each other. Provide for this contingency.

BONUS QUESTION: Define the blue book's role in the spatial refinement and
structural development of French Gothic cathedrals.

Good Luck!

jamie olimver's masterpiece!! beefball noodles! exquisite!!!!

Monday, July 11, 2005

happy times

Friday, July 01, 2005


we are gluttons in xinjiang. we pia everything here. it's scary. i even eat their lamb kebabs. and i really think lamb is smelly. anywhere else that is. all except xinjiang, but remember. buy only from the uiyghers. after experimentation with han bbq kebabs .. it is still smelly . i love xinjiang.