Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Today is Tuesday.
When is the weekend coming? But then again, will i get to have the weekend?
hmm..is this the life that i am dying to get into?
and to think that i spend 5k plus over 5 years to get into such torturous life....
sometimes, perhaps, it's better not to think about it.
and enjoy being the slave to design.

miss ding's request

:D womad was great this year!

Monday, August 29, 2005

huge ass project!!!?


more pics

yum yum!!!

lonely sometimes

santa monica.. i chia beer to whoever who comes

my workstation...

my room!!!!

mr yu and mr lim..

interior of school


in school.. pin up on the first day!!!
also a bridge that people will zhao geng...
power sial

lim's update on a plate

when are you all gonna come down to party??!!!!!

i chia each one one ice cream if you all come!!!

nice place... but where are all my friends?????
soo far away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by the way.. chow hwee.. sorry for calling you at weird hour..
forgot about time difference.. hahahah

Sunday, August 28, 2005


Day1: look guys!!!!!!!!!!!! do you remeber this friendly old couple!! hahahha.. wat a surprise!
I was workin at womad, and there was this cute couple there..
and i went up to him," erm, you look very much like my tutor, erm.. are you mr harrison? hahahha.." hee hee.. i think he tried to pretend that he remembered me.. hahah.. now he's wokrin with the Government.. hahah.. hmm.. the Gahment..
i said, we had to take a pic to show you all..

Day 2: met more archi peeps! the 2 gals were Boh's frens.. and hmm.. took one with tay yew and Charmaine too.. but i couldnt find it in e end.. boo...
-hey you two, if you still haf ya copy, post it kay!

i was too lazy to use e scanner.. so i took pictures of the polys instead.. hahah...!!

Day 2: met simeon there too!

Saturday, August 27, 2005

is it time for carols yet???


c h r i s t m a s
i s
c o m i n g !

Friday, August 26, 2005


bored ...
i am bored..

where is my life???

Thursday, August 25, 2005

housemates alert

have you guys ever thought about what to put in our fridge? i made a list.

1/2 dozen cans of coke
1/2 dozen cans of coke lite
2 dozen cans of beer
2 cans of tonic water
2 cartons of low fat milk
1 bottle of hersey's choc syrup
1 carton of florida's OJ
2-3 litres of cold water

liquid diet. heh.

on hindsight.. maybe more coke lite...

happy day!!

happy days coming back soon??!!!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

ABC - american beater calvin


and he leaves them all in a trail of blood....

*chu-ku-chu-ku-gueeell ( dj lim on the turn tables)

(of course, abercrombie cap is tilted 37 degrees to the left)


This is the first public announcement ! It's is not a scam ! The problem is they are only choosing one !!!! UGH ! Non malay and female do not need to be hopeful ! DARN ! The other problem is they didn't state the physical fitness venue that I registered for ! Hmmmmmm.......quite a lot of problems eh ! why dont they notbother about sending anyone to sapce,withdraw the purchase and distribute the money equally among 894 people. RM3.8 million each. Hmmm...

Monday, August 22, 2005

Pop Corn Trivia

Since everyone is blogging about trivia stuff it's finally my turn !

+ Popcorn kernels contain a small amt of water in its center and the water in the center of popcorn kernsl expand when heated causing it to pop and explode !

+ The popcorn kernsl that do not pop are known as "OLD MAIDS"

THAT's all for today !


Saturday, August 20, 2005

greetings from mars!

hello little earthlings
how are you all doing this fine (not so sunny) day..?

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

sharon said YES!

hahah.. duh..
i met terence at my office yestdae... and i digged him for da scoop! hahah...
well, he said her face got all red.. ahha.. (that's so SHARON!!)
and they are plannin for june, july.. so soon yah!
lookin for churches and restaurants now... man..
*gettin goosebumps, and tear eyed*...

Sunday, August 14, 2005


OH MY GODDD!!!!!!!!!!
in sept edition of cleo!!!!!!

Saturday, August 13, 2005

oooo dont worry be happy

AH doooi..why is everybody so depressed???

how about this ?

What did the one plate say to the other?
Lunch is on me

hehehe hehehe hehehe

Thursday, August 11, 2005

i hate goodbyes

goodbye lim
goodbye sernhong
goodbye jan!!!!!!

a new life awaits..
keep in touch!!!!
take care!

*group hugs**
i hate goodbyes
too emotional

Monday, August 08, 2005

Come as your fave national icon on 9 Aug to 4 RR and get a bowl of free bowl of laksa for lunch! Heck, I will even throw in a piece of k-jelly too! :) Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 07, 2005


add me! add me!

Saturday, August 06, 2005


wah liao.. at first i was wondering who the hell this was.. hello cc! can you like dun give yourself funny nicks...? wad is waterinaki?!!

relaxing beautiful sat

Choleric This person is authoritative, take charge kind of person. A great decision maker, a good leader and task oriented. In crisis and times of the crunch, this person rises above all pressure and overcomes the situation. However, this person also may be bossy, insensitive, controlling, demanding and impatient. Very straight-forward, to the point and direct.

Melancholy This person is very detailed, organized, neat and loves reading manuals and instruction booklets (okay maybe not love, but usually this is the first thing they do in any situation). he/she is very good at building systems, utilizing systems and obviously is very systematic person. they thrive on routines and making lists and lives for routines. You would definitely want these people looking over your contracts or managing your finances. They tend to very perfectionsitic of themselves and have unrealistically high standards. They tend to be too hard on themselves and on others when they cannot live up to their perfect ideal standards. These may make them very frustrated people.

Phlegmatic They are the sweetest people around. They make the best friends, they are great listeners and very relationship oriented and extremely extremely loyal. They are very easygoing, peace loving and hates confrontation. They can be very lazy and slow to do things. They think more than they talk (but then again, depends on whether they are women because all women talk). They tend not to have goals but live for the moment. They always think for others and always want everyone to be happy and would sacrifice what they really want if it makes everyone in the group happy. They love harmony. They are very smart to push responsibilities..in the sense if something that needs to be done, they know how to blend with the walls so that they would get arrowed to do it. Or they are very clever to know how to get someone else to do what is given to them, like maybe a restless choleric.

SanguineThese are the party people. They love fun, love to laugh and are usually popular, very cheerful, and dramatic (sometimes overly dramatic). they are extremely sociable. They love to talk and sometimes they talk too much. If you prevent a Sanguine from talking for 24 hours she/he'll want to commit suicide. they are childlike...like a child that never grows up and when they are having fun, EVERYBODY knows it. They love praise, love to be in the centre of attention, need alot of love and appreciation, maybe a bit disorganized or very disorganized (which drives melanchlolies crazy), messy and only want to do things that are fun. They make extremely good networkers and know alot of people and know alot of people who know alot of people. They usually are bad with details but may great visionaries as they are usually optimistic. They are great motivators and encouragers of people.

spending some time alone on a nice saturday. decided to do research on some useless info

so which one are you??

Friday, August 05, 2005

lonely friday night

how come no one is online ??????

Thursday, August 04, 2005

RE: memoris 2

no..mr lim.i din make it to crit.haha.
that was certainly one thing that i remember...
of course. i have mr yeo to thank for making me believe that i can eventually own a lambo if i just keep taking lambo non-stop.
my first and last time i got carried out by bouncers.....


"greetings world! now i'll be able to go diving without wearing conteks!! but.. but.. i wont have the chance to wear coloured conteks anymore..:(
oh well.. small price to pay!!

one eye down. one more to go!!
total of... hmmm..
( counts )
2 eye ball!!!!

yes!!1 2 eye ball it is!!! woo hoo!!!!
smud boh!!!!!!!!
wooh oooooo!!!!
smat like a mat!!!!

and check out my new found veiny neck...
been working on that at home while i'm bored and have nothing to do.. not too bad huh? check it out..
( eeeerrhhh ------------------------------------> )

ok yall... dont go around jabbing my eyes now,
yall can come to my place on fri night, and autograph my patches for luck and for ducks.

meanwhile... peace..
and chill, bill "

- the venerable boh eye sight problem liao

memoris 2

who can forget drunken chow hwee and dominique after a group went to zouk a day before final crit.. niki was flopped on the floor and shumin somehow amazingly managed to carry her to the toilet, got her changed and even took out her contacts..

as for mr ang, i walked out of studio to find him lying dead on the floor, and his tongue was sticking out!! i really thought he was dead!! of course he carries on to wake up in the middle of the night and pukes an ocean worth of stuff... i dont think he even made it to crit.. did you mr ang?

of course mr yeo after decided never to club with archi people again.. haha
i dont blame him..
i remember york shaking his head...


triggered by niki's suggestion of playlist...
i think we should just list down interesting/embarrassing/touching/sad/horrible/stressful/stupid/silly moments/situations/incidents of one another..haha..there's no escaping it....
to start off...
Death defying moments.
Ms Ming
in a remote town in china, tun xi if i'm not wrong.
stunt performed with furious rush of fire sparks, extremely high pitched sound, white smoke, hair flying in the strong drafts ( think situation akin to standing behind the after burner of a F-16 )....and in front of a totally awed screaming crowd.
The after-
concluded the stunt with a fairy descending onto earth kind of entrance into the lobby. white smoke and everything. crowd was totally worked up and punching the air and chanting her name on cult like manner. numerous salutes for ms ming were reported around the scene. boy, what a stunt.
Stunt risk level: 100
Crowd response: 100
Stage composure : 100
Entertainment index : 100

archi playlist

here's my little contribution
i will survive - cake?
in the end - LP
cannot think of anything now...stressed.
late again today.... by an hour and 15 minutes....
come to think it....i think i am getting unofficial flexible working hours.... nobody seemed to care about me coming late, even ESTHER!!!
haha...maybe i am going to get sacked soon...haha
anyway.. wat a nice rainy morning.... damned...how i wished i am tucked in bed and sleeping....instead of walking out of the house at 9am...(haha..start work at 9am) and having to brace the rain. but really..today's rain is really really heavy...for a moment, i worry about singapore island's bouyancy limit...

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

archi playlist!

let's create a playlist!
i've got a few songs in my head that reminds me of studio

*am trying to add some colour into this blog..... just have nothing to do
dont wanna do woooorrrrrk

1. yellow - coldplay (who can forget mingjie's singing)
2. grey sky morning - vertical horizon(clarence - 'nuff said)
3. majulah singapura... *hahahaahahah
4. time of your life - greenday (this reminds me of ming's bobbing head for some reason)

5.ACK!!!! what was that song that chow's kept playing in yr 1...!!! it's at the tip of my tongue!!!!!! grrrrr

miss ding is right

read ding's little entry..
yea guys.. dont be soo down..
we've planned this for years!! it was a dream of ours
to pursue our architectural futures in faraway places.. living out our lives to the fullest...

fret not.. we'll still keep in touch (YEA?YEA?YEA!!!! YOU GUYS BETTER!!!)
everyone should post a blog everyday or something...

and now's there are new dreams to attain..
to go and visit each other in these faraway places.. haha free lodging

sad that we won't be physically ard each other during crunch time, during precious moments(the good and the bad)
think the best memories of NUS are studio nights... when we'd go to fong seng and have supper
or play foozball, or table tennis, or just meet up with a HUGE ASS BARREL of beer... ;p

think jan and lim are going off first yea? and sern hong? and SY?!
my god... one whole she-bang ....

rambling niki...


o my goodness! wat's up you guys?!?!
i've been goin ard blogreading... and man! everyone's so blue...........
its a general gloomy mood yea?
i'm so blue now too... i'm sick... doctor gave me two days mc...
took his medicine.. and i've been floatin everywhere since..
o you guys.. i'm gonna miss you so!!!!!
everyone's gonna leave one by one... dropping away from my life one by one..
i'm really kinda achy.. like the bit of you on ya left chest? mine feels funny.. there's a wierd ache.
i'm really hoping that these days will come back.. and its not just only gonna be memories from now on... *wail*
its so sad... wished Mr Plane Inventor never invented planes... :(

i dont care though.... we are all gonna be attending everyone else's weddings.........and make stoopid speeches...... and get mega drunk..... ok!!!!!!


Monday, August 01, 2005


hi guys.. anyone interested in watching a studio performance in ESPLANADE called SHOKU. BATIK.JAPAN. its about skin. shoku means 'touch' in jap...
visit http://www.thestudios.com.sg/ for details. its only $25. $18 for students (yeah!)

meatballs part 2