Monday, October 06, 2008

Hort Park, Spike Lee and Beer

We met LBL at the Hort Park. (year 2 urban tutor)

LBL: So you guys are all working in different firms and you still keep in touch?

TY: Yes.

LBL: Oh? I'm surprised.

Us: (So are we.)

TY: Well... we have a drinking habit.

LBL: Ah, that explains it.

After an arduous trek downhill from Henderson Bridge back to hort park, we felt compelled to have a beer at Handlebar.

But not before three innocent pawns were purchased from the nursery. Ask Dom for the pics of Spikelet, Spikey and Spike Lee. As proof of our drinking habit, the magnificent trio wagered a beer on whichever plant bloomed first.