Saturday, April 30, 2005

and thus a new chapter begins...

It is to be bohboh's and sh's LAST DAY OF WORK at nsiap today!!!
W00tw00t! *thunderous applause all round*
Congratulations and celebrations!
Sh aka xiaolaoban and bohboh aka photoshop guru... I will definitely miss you both in the office, the secret missions at yakun, the snack breaks and inane lunch conversations, the griping about anything and everything related to the office, the walks to the mrt together, the nights spent rushing work with the rest of the saikang gang, the midnight suppers at lau pa sat, the wrestling in the lifts and along the office corridors hahaha...
but at the same time it's exciting to finally embark on a new chapter of life isn't it? :)
One to a conference in Istanbul, the other to Tibet via the trip of her life - to the both of you, I salute and commend you for surviving kiamsiamnsiap *hands a certificate of commendation* You're free! free as a bird! FLY AWAY! (where kevin cannot reach you! hehehe)


Charlie O said...

ORD LO!!!!!!

boh on the run said...

yay! one day to finish packing and getting ready everything. *gulp*