Friday, May 27, 2005

motorcylce diaries part 1 (and the end)

to be filled by jan and ming....

jan tried using her foot as a brake (to be continued by jan....)

to put in simply, i was air-borne for 2 seconds...and landed with the a bloody palm, disfigured face (the doctor did say the chin will scar) and chipped teeth. it really suckS to be injured so early into the trip (day 2! and day 1 was merely spent on the plane and train and bus) but everything is healing well (but with scars)...but be cos i got 'chi' transferred from the master to my injures :)

anyway for a more conventional kind of healing, i went to the sos clinic in hanoi to seek treatment aka get a medical report in order to claim insurance for crowning later in spore....and i was charged USD 110 (69 for consultation : how did you fall, where? 28 for dressing my wounds : the doc merely inflicted a hell lot more pain... 9 for some cream : even my la mer doesnt cost that much i tell you...taxes etc)

in hoi an now, feeding some mosquitoes as i type this, old world charm, kinda quaint, but the heat is just oppressive and draining...heading to nha trang tmr and then hcmc and finally into cambodia! angkor awaits :)

hope everyone is doing well


lupa said...

gasp !!!!!!!!! you are disfigured !!!

shoe slut said...

choy! nothing money can't fix!

but u still lup me right my love?