Monday, May 09, 2005

of dusty roads and orange earthed drifits

hello people from dusty roads. words of advice. drifit is always good for traveling in such painfully hot weather until you attempt to wash brown earth off hence rendering it dirty, patchy and totally not wearable. RIP. anyway. highlights of siem reap is definately angkor wat and what wats arounds this area. had a surreal experience of talking to a monk in the rain on the upper tier of angkor itself. going to visit his school tomorrow. been eating too much fried rice and noodles. coughing and feeling slightly feverish. very heaty.incoherant boh (it's contagious sy... btw, she has been slightly incoherant for the past few days beecause of the heat and dehydration.)ok til the next stop. *cough cough*


Charlie O said...

ei... we are also surviving on fried rice and noodles here.. although i have to add that egg is also part of our main diet here.. and coffee and banana milkshake. think by the thumb we get to china we'll have cholestorol problem. but seriously.. the 7000 dong egg sandwich in ho chi minh is about as good as it gets there..

we've been popping pills too.

boh on the run said...

i need vit C... persistant cough in ho chi min city...