Saturday, May 07, 2005

restless in ho chi minh's city

noisy, noisy noisy.. and smelly..
mr oh and mr lim have decided we cant stay here mcuh longer or we'd go nuts.
mekong delta day trip is pretty much a waste of time and money.. hope tomorrow's cu chi tunnel thing is better... then we're off to mui ne on monday morn...

and yes.. mr lim had beef noodles.. wonder if its a coincidence that we kept running into kuan yin pu sa everywhere we went after that.. and mr lim's right leg has started developing dark patches, much like a cow. its slightly scary..but mr lim takes comfort in the fact that kuan's yin's alter ego is the goddess of mercy.

its about 36 degrees here everyday and we're sort of on a slow roast. we're constantly dehydrated and we havent seen clear pee in a while. things are a little better at night but mr lim still tries to stick onto the wall next to the bed to absorb its coolness.. ( or is it to release heed).

things are really not that cheap over here, so whoever coming here just beware.

Pho Bo IS GOOD! anyways, the guanyin worshippers here eats beef. so it is lim's own taste bud that is rejecting the good stuff beef and beef balls(as in minced meat balls).
The girls here are generally more pleasant than thai or cambodia. and just now as we were buying tix to cu chi, whatever questions i asked, that sales lady will answer lim. haha.
But all thanx to lim's powerful cantonese, we managed to order cheap local food, make frens with the chai tow kuay auntie etc. im impressed.
So angmohs dont know that english is our first language. we were still mistaken as japanese even by japanese themselves... hopefully we dont get chopped when we get into china. meanwhile, lim is practising his mandarin.
HCMC is really dusty with 4 million cyclos. siao.
cant wait to get to a place with fresher air.

yes.. and there are many TNBs around.
good. clean. TNBs.


shoe slut said...

dont spoil it for me!!!


TNB: Tua Neh Bu?!!?
ie. big breasts?!!?