Saturday, May 07, 2005


gee... TNBs here unlike SA, are fully clothed. breastfeeding is not the selling tourist point here.. but they generates philosophical discussions between the otherwise brainless and shallow lim and me. Just today, lim practised an hour of mandarin during lunch jus to discuss how TNBs.....

but i have to add, mr bing has an old balding monkey to thank for being the winner of the day. it was a good strike. as we were bored and wondering just what we were doing watching BOMIC* on a mekong delta trip, TNB No.1 came up and started playing with the monkey. being the nearer and more exotic looking one, mr bing offered to help take a pic of TNB no. 1 and BOMIC. Twack!!! well struck... like a duck.
however, seems the monkey has the uppe hand as it refused to let go of her hand. direct sia. at this stage, both lim and bing decide to leave the scene of the crime as we both smell like hell. *clap clap clap*. just at the point in time when i had this flashing thought in my head that TNB No.1 was the one and only girl i ever loved in my entire life, we went up the bus and we saw a group of fresh TNBs, and i fell again...

*Balding Old Monkey In Cage

'If you believe in love at first sight, you'll never stop falling'...
such lovefool is lim, i am envious of his perpetual blissful state...

have we lost all sense of dignity? are we ang mo worshippers?
what happened to cool mr lim and mysterious mr bing?
side way glances and tv screen reflections seem to say something...
or is ho chi minh just too smelly noisy and boring.

On-the-hindsight-Lim is deep in the cleavages of thoughts...

never seen bing smile so much in 2 days..

ciao.2 fools.
(or is it 2 fulls?)


jew said...

for the longest moment I thought that the old balding monkey was refering to lim...hahah..... wait its not refering to lim right? I would still have been a good story

shoe slut said...

haha, tricky one, jew, is my love safe and sound with you?