Saturday, July 23, 2005


(tsk chow hui blockin my face..)
o man... it was time again.. for another No. 5 night... Boy, we waited long for our table.. but our wait was rewarded by a very nice table upstairs tucked in a corner.... very "exclusive" i must say...
(hahha. chow hui's mouth open so big)
my archi peeps! i miss you guys soo! all da time we spent together man.. days and nights in studios.. the nightmares of submissions.. but it was all good... was so nice... (not).. hahaha.
(ha ha. chow hui got blocked back! ;p)
we managed to queeze in everyone.. at least those who were there at that time! and NO ONE was makin FUNNY FACES! finally! hahahha..

this was just a pic that i tried to take withOUT aiming... hahah.. not bad i must say...

the late comers... tsk. zhen shui. and Ming, the TAI TAI of our year!! hahaha.. and Veron.. simeon's wifee..

and yes... the peanuts throwin never ends... the boys as usual haf to throw peanuts in everyone else's drink.. and phew.. at least they spared this glass! hahahha...

and here it is again in a pile of nut shells and rubbish.. kinda gross, no? hahaha... and Dom and Yvette! we missed ya!! come back quick!!! Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

sneakyniki said...

soooo fun!!!!!
everyone seemed green for some reason..
thanks for the photos ding!!