Thursday, August 04, 2005


triggered by niki's suggestion of playlist...
i think we should just list down interesting/embarrassing/touching/sad/horrible/stressful/stupid/silly moments/situations/incidents of one another..haha..there's no escaping it....
to start off...
Death defying moments.
Ms Ming
in a remote town in china, tun xi if i'm not wrong.
stunt performed with furious rush of fire sparks, extremely high pitched sound, white smoke, hair flying in the strong drafts ( think situation akin to standing behind the after burner of a F-16 )....and in front of a totally awed screaming crowd.
The after-
concluded the stunt with a fairy descending onto earth kind of entrance into the lobby. white smoke and everything. crowd was totally worked up and punching the air and chanting her name on cult like manner. numerous salutes for ms ming were reported around the scene. boy, what a stunt.
Stunt risk level: 100
Crowd response: 100
Stage composure : 100
Entertainment index : 100


Anonymous said...

hahahhahha i remember !!!! i rememeber it was HILARIOUS.... it was cooollddd that night too..and it was drizzling.....and it was happy and Chows almost blew off his ermss... reproductive system too.....

piranesi said...

wahahahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahah we all remember!!!