Saturday, August 06, 2005

relaxing beautiful sat

Choleric This person is authoritative, take charge kind of person. A great decision maker, a good leader and task oriented. In crisis and times of the crunch, this person rises above all pressure and overcomes the situation. However, this person also may be bossy, insensitive, controlling, demanding and impatient. Very straight-forward, to the point and direct.

Melancholy This person is very detailed, organized, neat and loves reading manuals and instruction booklets (okay maybe not love, but usually this is the first thing they do in any situation). he/she is very good at building systems, utilizing systems and obviously is very systematic person. they thrive on routines and making lists and lives for routines. You would definitely want these people looking over your contracts or managing your finances. They tend to very perfectionsitic of themselves and have unrealistically high standards. They tend to be too hard on themselves and on others when they cannot live up to their perfect ideal standards. These may make them very frustrated people.

Phlegmatic They are the sweetest people around. They make the best friends, they are great listeners and very relationship oriented and extremely extremely loyal. They are very easygoing, peace loving and hates confrontation. They can be very lazy and slow to do things. They think more than they talk (but then again, depends on whether they are women because all women talk). They tend not to have goals but live for the moment. They always think for others and always want everyone to be happy and would sacrifice what they really want if it makes everyone in the group happy. They love harmony. They are very smart to push the sense if something that needs to be done, they know how to blend with the walls so that they would get arrowed to do it. Or they are very clever to know how to get someone else to do what is given to them, like maybe a restless choleric.

SanguineThese are the party people. They love fun, love to laugh and are usually popular, very cheerful, and dramatic (sometimes overly dramatic). they are extremely sociable. They love to talk and sometimes they talk too much. If you prevent a Sanguine from talking for 24 hours she/he'll want to commit suicide. they are a child that never grows up and when they are having fun, EVERYBODY knows it. They love praise, love to be in the centre of attention, need alot of love and appreciation, maybe a bit disorganized or very disorganized (which drives melanchlolies crazy), messy and only want to do things that are fun. They make extremely good networkers and know alot of people and know alot of people who know alot of people. They usually are bad with details but may great visionaries as they are usually optimistic. They are great motivators and encouragers of people.

spending some time alone on a nice saturday. decided to do research on some useless info

so which one are you??


lepetitmac said...

but i am a mix of everything leh...

piranesi said...
