Friday, December 09, 2005

a new low

just when i thought our house couldnt get any worse/dirtier..
we found this...

a gentle reminder of what we are breathing in daily as we pee..
by the way.. the black stains come from the leakage from the toilet upstairs
that goes drip drip drip on your back as you sit shitting..
the trick is to shit and clean between drops..
truly gross if you feel a drop on your back,,
and you look up and see the stains ..
and of course...
the pretty little mushroom..
so cute..
yet so deadly..

someone please put a "use msak" sign on the toilet door..
we dont want people to be breathing in mushroom spores and having nice fluffy mushroomy lungs now do we..

the exhibition will be up there til monday...
(til after studiofinal we have time to get rid of it)


boh on the run said...

i suggest you move out of this house soon. really. it's too gross liao. gosh. how do you expect people to go visit you!? eep.

sneakyniki said...

not very good advertising lim... am having doubts visiting you now.... *eeps

Charlie O said...

after one expensive semester in sciarc looks like what i've learnt best is to shoot myself in the foot.. with a staple gun