Sunday, May 21, 2006

hi im fifty fine

hello guys...
for a while i was wondering where the fuck i have been...

i was actually in netherlands.

i am still in netherlands.


recently i was travelling in london and i learnt something!

you pronounce 'fifty-three' as 'fifty-free'.
yes repeat: 'fifty FREE'.
so it goes like this: fifty- four, fifty five, fifty fix, fifty feven, fifty feight, fifty fine...

amazingly, this is taught not by charmaine boh, my only london friend, but by a icelander.
anyways. you take bus fiftyfree from oxford to kings cross.. i fink..

in london, you will find this:

bacon bigger then bread,

elephant bigger than the head of man,

beer bottle bigger than the barrel...

gherkin bigger than skyscraper,
hats so big you can pack ur lunch and dinner in it...
and alot more bignesses...

amazing place.


Charlie O said...

the game with 22 players and 1 ball was originally named Throotball.

boh on the run said...

yes. everyone speaks with a lisp here... say it after me. fifty freeeeee.. [ a delicate unconscious undercurrent trying to rise up to the surface... freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....]

lupa said...

why you neh come and see me !!!!!!

masquer·ader said...

and apparently....
1. the founder of addidas was called addi dasler ( or something like that )
2. football was originally played with both hands and feet, until the english decided that gentlemen should not use hands to play. those who did not agree end up breaking off from the group and formed the World Rugby Union.

some interesting stuff from discovery...

shoe slut said...

i wanna visit too! spore is dud :P

masquer·ader said...

disclaimer: facts presented are from discovery channel, via yiqing a.k.a. section