Friday, May 11, 2007

aerial perspective

view from bee's eye
Story of B.B.B ( Bob the Brave Bee )

This morning a bee came into the office of studio LimBoh.
It was stuck in the room, no way out.
It was tormented by the big big glass panel through which it could not pass.
It searched he edges of the glass, trying to find its way back to its worried family.
"Will they starve?"
After a long and tiring search, Bob decided to give it his all.
Floating to the other end of the room, he prepared himself.
Accelerating at an amazing speed, Bob closed his eyes, and launched himself.
The invisible barrier proved impenetrable.
Left with a fractured skull and bruised ego,
what could Bob do,
but to return to the start line,
and have another go.


sneakyniki said...

awwww poor bob! (boh - i think you need to give your elf more work, he's slacking away!)

boh on the run said...

i think he is overwhelmed liao . hahahha...