Wednesday, May 14, 2008

TU Delft Bouwkunde (Architecture) Burnt to a CRISP

13 May was a dark day for all who have studied/studying at the BK @ TU Delft.

As of today (14th May, 13:00pm), the architecture building exists no more. There are hopes that the ground level where the library, map rooms and depot (models from famous Dutch architects, chair collections of Rietveld, Le Corbusier are feared to be lost) might still be intact, but the building is too dangerous for any further investigation.

The fire started yesterday at 9:30 am, as a short circuit in the new coffee machines on the 6th floor, due to a water pipe burst on the 7th floor. By 12:30, the fire department already gave up fighting the fire on the inside and the south wing of the building was already half devoured by the fire. The fire soon spread across the core to the north wing, starting around the 7th floor. BY 15:00, the building was given up on and left to burn out. As of 19:00, the building was filmed collapsing and nothing recognizable of the building is left. The fire only went out this morning.

The organization has decided to function as per normal starting next monday. Temporary structures are being put up to round off the education semester. There might be a contest for the new faculty building, but any plans for that will only happen in the next 3 years.

Do pass the sad news along to our old teachers/classmates who have spent time in the TU.


sneakyniki said...

when i heard the news, i was really shocked. it just didn't seem real...


Wendy said...

is real...
sad but true.
office-less for a while i hope


wah super drama!
i cannot believe the building was just razed to the ground from a mere short circuit?
gosh! and all the models!
i hope nobody was hurt?
wendy mama u ok? (physically and emotionally?)
it prob must have been rather traumatic for u...