Saturday, April 30, 2005

and thus a new chapter begins...

It is to be bohboh's and sh's LAST DAY OF WORK at nsiap today!!!
W00tw00t! *thunderous applause all round*
Congratulations and celebrations!
Sh aka xiaolaoban and bohboh aka photoshop guru... I will definitely miss you both in the office, the secret missions at yakun, the snack breaks and inane lunch conversations, the griping about anything and everything related to the office, the walks to the mrt together, the nights spent rushing work with the rest of the saikang gang, the midnight suppers at lau pa sat, the wrestling in the lifts and along the office corridors hahaha...
but at the same time it's exciting to finally embark on a new chapter of life isn't it? :)
One to a conference in Istanbul, the other to Tibet via the trip of her life - to the both of you, I salute and commend you for surviving kiamsiamnsiap *hands a certificate of commendation* You're free! free as a bird! FLY AWAY! (where kevin cannot reach you! hehehe)

Friday, April 29, 2005

Finbar the Irish

I met a irish man in a pub last night. Started talking, and he believes that the world will be a better place with nations, without relgion, without people like the pope telling the masses what is wrong or right, without goverment to bring the people to war... He believes that the world will change and become a world without boundaries... And he and poeple like those he was talking to will make the difference.

Then he said that he was actually an alien but forgot which galaxy he was from.

That was the highlight of the day.

fresh milk

Oh another thing about SA is that women breast feed their babies everywhere in public. They breast feed in on the boat, on the bus, , when the are sitting around on the street, they are always sitting around on the street, those that are in a hurry breast feed while walking. In resturant while they are eating... while I was eating... inbetween me and the television.... I was not sure of the eqitqutte... can I stare? But I am actually looking at the TV... the daddy looked mean so I decided to look at my food... the dinner felt quite long..

1 million things that suck

I found out that there are like 1 million different things in the jungle that will suck your blood. And there are like 1 million of each thing that sucks blood... I noticed 3 different types of moquitos... one type looks like they are wearing white socks, big ticks, small ticks, 1 million sandflies, big ones and small ones, funny black insects that but they are not very discrete, so easy to kill .... there is even a bee that punctured 2 holes on my heel and licked my blood....... yes I noticed that I did not list down 1 million things that suck blood, but there are probably more.

Anyway, have the tibet people left yet?

I am in iquitos now, still in the Amazon, but its a big city..... going for dinner later, anyone want to come... dun say I never jio hor.

itchy jew

Monday, April 25, 2005

3 friends, one adobe illustrator and lotsa colour!

meet our new friends! olly the octopus, george the giraffe and sue the amazing starfish!

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Office boredom

Wonderring if you're interested.

Design blogs galore!

From the photos
to interior design in new york
to industrial design,
and to more amazing photos,
and back to the funky 70s
onwards to the the present nyc
more nyc, and here too!
the daring chap who infiltrated the british museum to mount his own exhibit
not forgetting modern contemporary design
to the personal blogs of designsponge
and purely contemporary
to funky furniture
and captain planets
and to design winners
how about a photo montage
to something unbeige
oh and architecture of sorts
a design directory
and a daily dose of architecture

done. and if this window crashes on me.......

Friday, April 15, 2005

Amazon is a $8 bus ride away

Hola Todos!

For those interested in how my trip is coming along... I ditched Galapagos Islands (my marine iguanas) to go to the Amazon... well I wil be leaving the Andes to head down to the dusty oil town of Coca (Ecuador) in the Amazon. Dont think I will be fighting off any piranahs, or have having breakfast with sloths or swiming with fresh water dolphins........ but i hope to take a boat to Iquitos (in Peru) along Rio Napo from Coca...

Anyways..... there is no internet on the boat so this might be my last entry till, 1st May when i should be in Lima Peru... if you get anything before that, likely my boat trip didn´t work out.

Hasta luego!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

any cow sense?

let's have a cowhunt day?!? i think it's brilliantly fun and cool when out of the blue you see so many different coloured cutouts of cows appearing on the island grazing on any piece of spare grassland.. so i think we should go cow spotting! wad say you? when shall we do it? hehehheh. chow wants to steal a cow right? hahah.. if we were in school, i bet you guys will steal so many that there will be a herd of them grazing in our very own patch of grass near the smoking corner. hahahah.. so far. the participants of this event will be boh, ming, huimin and chow. anymore anymore??? join us! go cow spotting! sign up for the event now!!! erm this just means.. give us a call. then we can sort out the logistics. like must get cars to drive around to look right? hahaha .. any takers? if there's alot of people.. maybe we can make it a competition! to see who can gather the most herds.. hahahha ..huan dao moomoOmOO........

Monday, April 11, 2005


a friendly reminder to those at ice cold that nite.. remember poise n composure night? i bet you do.. we're catching butterfly on the 23 april 4.15 pm show prince 1 shaw tower. :) i just saw the tickets lying on my desk in office. so .. hahaha.. thot i better remind you guys otherwise everyone forget.. i'll be the one who lugi! :P

Sunday, April 10, 2005


somewhere... beyond the sea!!!!... doesnt this picture remind you of finding nemo?? mikemikemikemikeeemiiikeee...(stoopid seagulls)

yeah finally !

guess what i've finally made it here !!!!! after some guidance from momobohboh !!!!! and i recalled my password too !!! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.....let's THROW Party !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!................. lalalalalalalalalala......yesterday was goody fun !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! okie dockies pockies lockies !

I hate fleas

Wah.... fleas are damn gross!!!!!!!!! I will not stay in a $3 a night place again......

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

happy birthday ky!!!!!!!

happy happy birthday to you! have a wonderful day dreaming and tracing clouds.. walking barefooted along streams! have fun! :D

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

the mad flurry, the actual lo hei :) always make people happy...the lo hei dinner, i just uploaded them :) sorry, too lazy to do a montage
group photo! new year's eve @ my place Posted by Hello

Monday, April 04, 2005

in the still of the night.... as i gaze out my window... Posted by Hello

hola todos!

it might be wondering why my name is Jew..... cause thats how people here pronouce Yew....

in ecuador now....... it rgith smakc at the equator but its freqakign cold... in the mountains....

miss you guys


TJHA is haunted!

i must say.. it is VERY freaky when the radio alarm in office keeps self oning ... especially when it happens when theres no one around. happening a few times already... siao.. scared lim.

Friday, April 01, 2005


you are brilliant indeed.
at OUR expense.
(- -")


Limmer is an arse. at times rather brilliant, but really just a farce.

you got me for a while

yes yes. i got it.. i take everything i said back . for those in the know. we should just sit on him now.

yes its true..

i am very free and very OOP..

think someone should have figured it out by now...
the secr t mes g .


loupok blogger

have to say this blogger seems loupok. earlier i nearly lost my posting cos of some publishing errors. tamade. luckily in the end works.. otherwise i would have just wasted 20min of my life without any fruit. nearly spoilt my friday sial.


sneaky like a deeky


UNBELIEVABLE!!! ( sorry earlier accidentally press wrong button )


my bro just bought a new car 2 weeks ago(nissan sunny).. so as expected... my dad was busy buying 4-d...( as He alwAys does ) ..and.. its owtimate i say..owtimate...
he won 250 000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i couldn't believe it myself!mega Powel dowel. P Y

woo hooo!!!!!!!! wwwwwooooooooooooooooooooooottt!!!!!!!

and he sAys he's gonna sponsor me anyPlace i wanna study in.. hmmm.. hahahh....
yay!! so now he says i should go apply to baRtlett and glasgow also... say i better apply more sInce it appears my chances of getting my other schools of choice may not be very high..aLamak like a tamalat.. he heh.. and of course he also said he's sponsoring my trip to tibet..( hahah.. super Friendly father heh )
super wOOt right? someone must be feeding my Lucky Star....