Friday, May 27, 2005

motorcylce diaries part 1 (and the end)

to be filled by jan and ming....

jan tried using her foot as a brake (to be continued by jan....)

to put in simply, i was air-borne for 2 seconds...and landed with the a bloody palm, disfigured face (the doctor did say the chin will scar) and chipped teeth. it really suckS to be injured so early into the trip (day 2! and day 1 was merely spent on the plane and train and bus) but everything is healing well (but with scars)...but be cos i got 'chi' transferred from the master to my injures :)

anyway for a more conventional kind of healing, i went to the sos clinic in hanoi to seek treatment aka get a medical report in order to claim insurance for crowning later in spore....and i was charged USD 110 (69 for consultation : how did you fall, where? 28 for dressing my wounds : the doc merely inflicted a hell lot more pain... 9 for some cream : even my la mer doesnt cost that much i tell you...taxes etc)

in hoi an now, feeding some mosquitoes as i type this, old world charm, kinda quaint, but the heat is just oppressive and draining...heading to nha trang tmr and then hcmc and finally into cambodia! angkor awaits :)

hope everyone is doing well

vulgar sial

there is a place here called Chivay.... V here is pronouced as B...

also another place called Lampa

Monday, May 23, 2005

motorcycles diaries 2

a zero confidence vote from our guide rendered me injury free today. pillion rider boh with a tired out right arm. on form lim rode all the way and Hisako, our new found travel buddy from Japan had a stunning fall which i thought for a split second would break her arm. after which we abandoned the third bike and rode 3 people squahed on one bike.the terrain: waterlogged mountainous trail, rocks, gravel,sand, mud, and sometimes, a stream. surreal moments where we couldn't get back to the town before sunset, due to road works ( they were blasting the mountain.) another amazing day in vietnam. i'm glad we are alive. onward!

motorcycle diaries 1

to be filed by ming and jan.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

mah-chu ah-choo

going to mah-chu pichu...realllllllyyy gives u the chill.... u get chilled frapuccino......and all the locals in the ruins speak with impeccable starbucks twang.... " onnneee.... mochhhhaaa fracuucccciiiiiiinooooooooo" just like how they do in singapore.. abt globalisation !... starbucks.. have invaded machu pichu..... ahhhh donald{s is in construcion at the moon temple... o by the at the condor temple...
STARBUCKS - welcomes u to machu pichu !!!!! to drop by for a drink with us ???

Sunday, May 15, 2005

hoi an

was babysitting at the beach today... international clients from belgium n vietnam... had no idea what the babies were talking about... they just kept showering sand on me like zhengshui did with the beer...

the map was supppper out of scale... the beach was actually 5km out of town... we stupidly cycled there under the hot sun... im black + black...

hoian hoian hoian

surreal weightless mountains surrounded in mist while sy and boh gets darker on the beach.
"vietnamese. same same" we hear it all the time now...

Saturday, May 14, 2005

spooky in hoi an

we had an interesting room in hoi an..

or maybe its just superstitious lim. anyway.. place felt a little "dirty" and mr oh and mr lim well... i guess we're now the HJ Brothers. we slept with the lights on for 2 nights in a row.
but have to say mr lim is the slightly more pro-active HJK. (k for kia) he actually forced himself to sleep faster than mr oh so that he wont be the only one awake. in response, mr oh also then tried to pia sleep. HJ Brothers indeed.

ah bengs only comes from china

upon reaching hue, we were confronted by a chinese ah beng who black faced us when we asked for a usd $4 room... he double black faced us when we rejected his discounted offer and imagine that ah beng with 100ml-of-phlem-in-his-mouth look when we said that we'll walk around.. wah lau! fellow chinese!!
hhmm... or maybe we look like american born vietnamese or cambodians or thais or malays or anything but chinese to him...

adventures of an ang moh parrot....

suddenly i think i am travelling with ang moh... or is it an ang mog parrot ¿¿¿bizarre things he does.....

bought a box of coca tea leaves...tore open the tea bag...and started chewing.....some powdered tea leaves.......hoping for some narcotic effects......obviously none.....just a mouthful of ugly teeth and a good amt of choke.... stupid or desperate ...or both....


went to an old lady...selling a bagful of coca leaves this time..... not powdered form... yeah,.,...started chewing......... give him some credit for pretending to be high...... clap clap clap

the adventures of ang moh parrot.......

to be continued.........................................

Thursday, May 12, 2005

tranh van bing


that is his new name...
he is now vietnam. same same.

even the little kids have stopped approaching him when we sit at cafes to sell stuff. he is vietnam. all thats missing now are a few appropriate vietnamese phrases.. and the image is complete.. and our costs will suddenly be halfed..
mr tranh is tired.. we shall go hunt for ice cream now.

by the way, girls have been approaching pho bo lim for his marital status and age..
... same same to mr tranh.. except he got more..
and oh!

we saw ang moh cha bo changing today... but some how it wasnt very exciting..
disappointed lim sial.

cat and mouse game in hoholand

grr.. wait up you guys. stop moving... very tiring to pia all the way up. motion sickness.. *cough cough

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

the retribution of WM

for those of you who remembered how the jew was severely made fun of about him getting seasickeness when he came back from thailand island trip..... well tables have turn.... hahaha.... WM.. Weak Mei is suffering from mountain sickness... hah... nausea... puke puke.... headache.... she is taking more pills than the usual dose of daramine the jew have to take..... Or bi!


my previous blog didnt get published ! darn !..anyway, highlight was i ascended 3200m in 7 hrs.. saw myself... not getting outta bed and bound in the ward for 2 hrs for oxygen treatments... woo hoo to the tibetians.... SLOW SLOW.....take it easy.....funny thing yew dude didnt get any ! ugh ! hahahahaha.. it´s lunch time and most stuff are closed decided to connect to the rest of the world.....i wanna have ice creaaaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Monday, May 09, 2005

of dusty roads and orange earthed drifits

hello people from dusty roads. words of advice. drifit is always good for traveling in such painfully hot weather until you attempt to wash brown earth off hence rendering it dirty, patchy and totally not wearable. RIP. anyway. highlights of siem reap is definately angkor wat and what wats arounds this area. had a surreal experience of talking to a monk in the rain on the upper tier of angkor itself. going to visit his school tomorrow. been eating too much fried rice and noodles. coughing and feeling slightly feverish. very heaty.incoherant boh (it's contagious sy... btw, she has been slightly incoherant for the past few days beecause of the heat and dehydration.)ok til the next stop. *cough cough*

Sunday, May 08, 2005

filling 175 Telok Ayer St green with envy......

sometimes you just wonder about stark contrast life has to offer....

today is sunday, 2330 SGT.... and i am in WOHA, indulging myself with a project which i dun think will ever win..... unless URA is blind or kelong. imagine the bloody client - developer asking us to come up with the business plan!! wa lau, i might as well be the developer!!! and not that they are fucking busy...i mean how busy can you be when you are the ones responsible for Kallang Leisure park?, prob forgot abt the place cos it's so fucked up....
and now they wanna run the ENTERTAINMENT COMPLEX??? oh no......

Ho Chin Minh.... SQ is offering 198 tics to that place...should i just screw the client and fly there? and you guys are happily holidaying there... wanna join me at Telok Ayer St??'s a pretty cool place, we got air - con that can double up as a water feature when you on it.... state of the art huh?

and there are people in Australia... in South America....and there's someone asking me why i did not join the fantastic four for the trip.... well..wat can i say...

the radio's playing "ho-li-dayyyyyy...we are going on a...summer holiday..."
when will my summer be here? it's getting colder here in sunny island singapore...

oh well...
the dialectics....

goodbye ho chi minh..

Mr Lim aka 56k:

today we did the first worthwhile thing since our arrival in this motortown. cu chi tunnels! if nothing else, crawling around was shiok. nd i have to say that for an asian guy, i found the hole surprisingly tight to get through. the reason? my awesome hips. those power packed hips of pure muscle. had to angle my body down to make use of the diagonal width of the rectangular hole to get through. sen. still-burning-thighs lim and bing then decided to spend an eventless afternoon in our bunk dreaming of the next things to come on our trip. oh... and for those going to visit the tunnels? its best to go on a mega diet like right now. but actually come to think of it, there was this ang moh tai tai who made it through..i call her tai tai becos of her participation despite apparent disinterest in the tunnels, as well as her wearing of white 3/4 pants to visit cu chi tunnels. oh and i suppose mr bing will say more about the siao on thor-lookalike norwegian models.

point is: you have to travel light, wearlight, wear to get dirty, wear dri-fit, avoid pants that fluant panty lines. Reason: as i was in the dimly lit tunnel, my sub-objective is to avoid bumping into the flamboyant butts of the the tai tai while half wondering if she is going to fart like lim.
as to the four supposed norwegians, i have no comments...

you mean like a domments? i suppose its ok to share what was peeled from your brain. this is prob quite out of point, but its just that they seemed bent on breaking into the aian modelling market. posing and dosing with every opportunity ( i have nothing against them, just an observation)(think running into bomb craters and pretendin to climb out and posing for shot with a HUGO look-or is it magnum??) and shooting the guns and dooting with buns..

yesterday, lim was inspired by 2-fulls. today, he is sour about the lower 2-fulls.

i wonder is it that blogs seem to be quite often illed with bitching. but i guess its becos we're just hanging around waiting or morning to come so we can get out of this town. and i'd like to apologise in advance if anyone thinks i am screwing up mr bing's mind.

for clarifications, 'screwing up' means phrases like 'no comments like a domment', 'melting like a delting'... imprecise speech indirectly leads to madness.. im sure Mr Tay went through torturous sessions of doctrination like a boctrination....

wait .. wait... i think credit has to be gien where it is due. since lonely planet seems to have left this part out of its publications... the popular and current rhymology is actually a variant of the original. for those who can be bothered to rea history, it atually started with "sleepy as a bleepy". so it was a replacement of the first letter of the 2nd word with a B. however, yew guevara one day decided to change it to sleepy as a dippy.. and after a long discussion and battles in TJHA, the "D"prevailed.

whatever. good night.

like a ?


i cant believe the american swindler would still be at the same place swindling

For those of you who have read that I, GY, was con out of $20 by an american, who apparently isnt very smart. I found him on the street trying to con another guy and got back most of my money. He doesnt quite know how to leave the scene of the crime.

Saturday, May 07, 2005


gee... TNBs here unlike SA, are fully clothed. breastfeeding is not the selling tourist point here.. but they generates philosophical discussions between the otherwise brainless and shallow lim and me. Just today, lim practised an hour of mandarin during lunch jus to discuss how TNBs.....

but i have to add, mr bing has an old balding monkey to thank for being the winner of the day. it was a good strike. as we were bored and wondering just what we were doing watching BOMIC* on a mekong delta trip, TNB No.1 came up and started playing with the monkey. being the nearer and more exotic looking one, mr bing offered to help take a pic of TNB no. 1 and BOMIC. Twack!!! well struck... like a duck.
however, seems the monkey has the uppe hand as it refused to let go of her hand. direct sia. at this stage, both lim and bing decide to leave the scene of the crime as we both smell like hell. *clap clap clap*. just at the point in time when i had this flashing thought in my head that TNB No.1 was the one and only girl i ever loved in my entire life, we went up the bus and we saw a group of fresh TNBs, and i fell again...

*Balding Old Monkey In Cage

'If you believe in love at first sight, you'll never stop falling'...
such lovefool is lim, i am envious of his perpetual blissful state...

have we lost all sense of dignity? are we ang mo worshippers?
what happened to cool mr lim and mysterious mr bing?
side way glances and tv screen reflections seem to say something...
or is ho chi minh just too smelly noisy and boring.

On-the-hindsight-Lim is deep in the cleavages of thoughts...

never seen bing smile so much in 2 days..

ciao.2 fools.
(or is it 2 fulls?)

restless in ho chi minh's city

noisy, noisy noisy.. and smelly..
mr oh and mr lim have decided we cant stay here mcuh longer or we'd go nuts.
mekong delta day trip is pretty much a waste of time and money.. hope tomorrow's cu chi tunnel thing is better... then we're off to mui ne on monday morn...

and yes.. mr lim had beef noodles.. wonder if its a coincidence that we kept running into kuan yin pu sa everywhere we went after that.. and mr lim's right leg has started developing dark patches, much like a cow. its slightly scary..but mr lim takes comfort in the fact that kuan's yin's alter ego is the goddess of mercy.

its about 36 degrees here everyday and we're sort of on a slow roast. we're constantly dehydrated and we havent seen clear pee in a while. things are a little better at night but mr lim still tries to stick onto the wall next to the bed to absorb its coolness.. ( or is it to release heed).

things are really not that cheap over here, so whoever coming here just beware.

Pho Bo IS GOOD! anyways, the guanyin worshippers here eats beef. so it is lim's own taste bud that is rejecting the good stuff beef and beef balls(as in minced meat balls).
The girls here are generally more pleasant than thai or cambodia. and just now as we were buying tix to cu chi, whatever questions i asked, that sales lady will answer lim. haha.
But all thanx to lim's powerful cantonese, we managed to order cheap local food, make frens with the chai tow kuay auntie etc. im impressed.
So angmohs dont know that english is our first language. we were still mistaken as japanese even by japanese themselves... hopefully we dont get chopped when we get into china. meanwhile, lim is practising his mandarin.
HCMC is really dusty with 4 million cyclos. siao.
cant wait to get to a place with fresher air.

yes.. and there are many TNBs around.
good. clean. TNBs.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

leaving home

we're leaving our home, chan cha lay, in a while... freaking suicidal 16h ride to bangkok and anotehr 12h to siem reap ahead.... scared..,got fried by thailand sun....finally look like a decent backpacker with our new tan....

i{m here !!!

i{m hereeeeeeeeeeeee i thought i was going to die on the planeeeeeeeeeee.... super jet lag ... being dragged out to eat dinner... chifa... which means chinese food.. how come chinese .. will always go with chiiiiiii..... hmmmm dum dum we did nothing mucchhh.. but i saw tonnnnsss of cute peruvian guys hahahhahahahahahhahahahhaha.... our inn keeper is cute !!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahaha.......... no thumb liow..1 more minute........... write more write more.. muaks.... take care
tons og vw vans !!!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

i cannot believe I, person from the third world, was cheated by an american in Peru

I will not help distressed I-WAS-ROBBED-AT-KNIFE-POINT-NEED-MONEY-TO-GET-TO-MY-BAG-FROM-THE-ARIPORT fucking american travellers again. Go fucking cheat your own kind........

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

days of chang beer and thai orange ice blendeds

hello friends! just a quick hello! we're in krabi now. it's so warm that i'm quite glad that it's about to rain... soon enough.. hahahha.. checked into chanchalay, our all time favourite guesthouse and was pleasantly surprised to see that they had expanded. we got ourselves a room with a private bath instead of the common bath and.. heheheh.. IT IS SUPER NICE!imagine.. after like a perspiring for 20 odd hours.. we had a room with a open shower! wah! super nice. super super nice. ok. shower open to the sky with frangipani tree branches providing some shade while you bathe. damn shen. i love chanchalay! heading to the islands tomorrow to go beach hopping. ok. til the next stop!

Monday, May 02, 2005